Friday, September 4, 2009


Has become legendary and the public opinion, that the fat as a sign of the adequacy of money, prosperous and successful. Instead of a fat style developed countries have long abandoned. Many people trying to lose weight with various efforts.

Are you looking for natural weight loss secrets?

This is a good approach to losing weight. "Natural" means without the help of potentially dangerous diet pills, fad diets or surgery. Natural weight loss is a way to move towards your ideal weight while keeping your health in mind. After all, what's the point of losing weight if you have to sacrifice your health? You want to look and feel your best, now and in the long run!

Here are 7 tips that will help you in your quest to lose weight naturally:
  1. Drink plenty of pure water. This is good for keeping the body hydrated and keeping your metabolism working smoothly. However, it's also a good "trick" to drink water instead of other, less healthy beverages. Water is especially important when exercising, but you should drink it throughout the day whether working, playing or resting.
  2. Drink green tea, mate or hoodia instead of coffee. Green tea (even black tea to a lesser extent), mate (a kind of South American tea) and Hoodia (an African plant-based beverage) are all good for speeding up your metabolism in a way that's safe and good for losing weight.
  3. Walk Every Day- Walking is an excellent, often overlooked way to give your body a workout. The key is to be consistent. Walking doesn't burn off as many calories as more strenuous exercise such as running or biking, but if you do it every day it can be more effective in the long run. This is because it's gentler on your body, so you are far less likely to injure yourself. You can learn to walk instead of drive to the store; up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, or around a track, in the park or down the block!
  4. Don't Exercise, Play! If you are someone who likes to go to the gym three or four times per week, that's great. However, many people have a hard time staying motivated when it comes to workouts. That's why you should find strenuous activities that you actually enjoy, whether it be tennis, swimming, karate or riding a bike. Think about what you liked as a kid, and find a way to do it now.
  5. Learn to Breathe Breathing is obviously an important part of life, but most of us taking it for granted. Take up yoga, tai chi or learn to breathe deeply by taking a class or finding a book on the subject. This can have a surprisingly positive effect on your overall health, and also improve the efficiency of your digestion and metabolism.
  6. Eat Healthy Snacks Very often, we consume the highest calorie junk foods in between meals without even thinking about. Chips, candy bars, soda and cookies can all add to our intake of calories while providing very little real nutrition. So get into the habit of eating healthy snacks such as almonds, carrots, dried fruits (without added sugar) or sunflower seeds, to name a few.
  7. Eat Healthy Fats Healthy fats, such as you can find in fish oils, avocados, almonds and coconut and olive oils, are necessary and help keep us healthy. Unhealthy fats, such as trans fats found in hydrogenated oils, for example, are not good for us. Learning about which fats are healthy and avoiding the unhealthy ones can help you improve your health and achieve your ideal body weight.
sumber; "Nartural Weight Loss Tips" by Bill Nad



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