Has a lot of people died because of dengue fever. Many efforts have been made by the people and government but in fact always missing dengue fever occur in some areas and are attacking people of all ages. Therefore we have to alert when an epidemic in our region. One way we have to know what it was dengue fever.
Dengue fever (DD) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF / DHF), is still the scourge of society because of many causes of death. Disease incidence rate is high, intermittent in certain areas, and prevention is not done only with fogging / fumigation.We must have the knowledge to act when faced with cases that had befallen the family, as follows:Dengue fever (DD) is different from dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF / DHF), the treatment of different patient too.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DD) or dengue fever is a viral disease that dsebabkan. Clinical signs include fever 39-40oC; sore muscles / joints, headache, pain in the eye movements, flushed skin, nausea and vomiting. Fever between 5-7 days, and in some patients fever down on day 3 or 4, then rises again.
Dengue virus is carried by Aedes mosquitoes aegypty, which berbiintik white spots on the body and legs. These mosquitoes bite an infected human and visrus dengue tutbuh transmitted to another person. DD developed symptoms on days 4-6 after infection. Vierus dengue infection do not always lead to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) or dengue hemorrhagic fever. It could be, this infection of dengue fever. Symptoms of dengue fever patients, relatively more light. The patient looked flushed and weak, but did not until the bleeding. If contracted dengue hemorrhagic fever, usually occurs kebocooran blood vessels. Shalom Aleichem 1-3 days, tiinggi fever sufferers. DHF is a critical phase to 4-5 days, with a cold body. While critical, the patient does not want to wake up, sleeping, not eating, cold hands and feet accompanied by abdominal pain.
In DD patients, after body temperature returned to normal, the patient showed signs of positi. For example starting appetite and looked cheerful. In contrast, DHF patients no appetite, and even vomiting, abdominal pain and cold feet. That’s a patient experiencing stock (dengue shock syndrome / DSS). Immediately brought to the house Skit, because 48 hours after getting off the heat is a critical moment, yanng can cause death. In DHF, hematolrit levels increased and decreased the number of trombocit. In general, the normal hematocrit levels 3x the level of hemoglobin (Hb), while the amount of 150,000 permm3 normal trombocit. If there is no emergency, DHF patients could be treated at home. Patients should rest and get enough fluid intake as oralit, fruit juice, milk, water and so forth, so as not to dehydration.
Parents should be wise in giving fever-lowering drugs to children, because the fever is actually a sign of infection. Fever is required body, to neutralize the germs or viruses. Fever-lowering drugs is only required on the day of fever phase to the 2 and 3, when the child’s body temperature above 38oC. Fever-lowering drugs are safe is paracetamol, with a dose of 10 mg / kg, given 4-hour intervals. TIPS.
1.3M encouragement movement (closed, Draining and Hoarding)
2.Beware of dengue symptoms, so patients do not become shock (DSS)
3.Fever-lowering drugs is safest for the DB / DHF is paracetamol plus comprehensive warm water.
4.DD / DHF is a type of disease that can heal itself if the right treatment, that is enough fluid intake and plenty of rest.
5.Antibiotics are not necessary, because the disease is caused by viruses rather than bakteri.
6.Gunakam lotion anti-mosquito safe for children, before going to school or sleep.
Source: Dengue Fever. by. Meta Permana, S.Si., OTC Digest. August 2007. Edition 12
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