Friday, September 4, 2009


Has become legendary and the public opinion, that the fat as a sign of the adequacy of money, prosperous and successful. Instead of a fat style developed countries have long abandoned. Many people trying to lose weight with various efforts.

Are you looking for natural weight loss secrets?

This is a good approach to losing weight. "Natural" means without the help of potentially dangerous diet pills, fad diets or surgery. Natural weight loss is a way to move towards your ideal weight while keeping your health in mind. After all, what's the point of losing weight if you have to sacrifice your health? You want to look and feel your best, now and in the long run!

Here are 7 tips that will help you in your quest to lose weight naturally:
  1. Drink plenty of pure water. This is good for keeping the body hydrated and keeping your metabolism working smoothly. However, it's also a good "trick" to drink water instead of other, less healthy beverages. Water is especially important when exercising, but you should drink it throughout the day whether working, playing or resting.
  2. Drink green tea, mate or hoodia instead of coffee. Green tea (even black tea to a lesser extent), mate (a kind of South American tea) and Hoodia (an African plant-based beverage) are all good for speeding up your metabolism in a way that's safe and good for losing weight.
  3. Walk Every Day- Walking is an excellent, often overlooked way to give your body a workout. The key is to be consistent. Walking doesn't burn off as many calories as more strenuous exercise such as running or biking, but if you do it every day it can be more effective in the long run. This is because it's gentler on your body, so you are far less likely to injure yourself. You can learn to walk instead of drive to the store; up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, or around a track, in the park or down the block!
  4. Don't Exercise, Play! If you are someone who likes to go to the gym three or four times per week, that's great. However, many people have a hard time staying motivated when it comes to workouts. That's why you should find strenuous activities that you actually enjoy, whether it be tennis, swimming, karate or riding a bike. Think about what you liked as a kid, and find a way to do it now.
  5. Learn to Breathe Breathing is obviously an important part of life, but most of us taking it for granted. Take up yoga, tai chi or learn to breathe deeply by taking a class or finding a book on the subject. This can have a surprisingly positive effect on your overall health, and also improve the efficiency of your digestion and metabolism.
  6. Eat Healthy Snacks Very often, we consume the highest calorie junk foods in between meals without even thinking about. Chips, candy bars, soda and cookies can all add to our intake of calories while providing very little real nutrition. So get into the habit of eating healthy snacks such as almonds, carrots, dried fruits (without added sugar) or sunflower seeds, to name a few.
  7. Eat Healthy Fats Healthy fats, such as you can find in fish oils, avocados, almonds and coconut and olive oils, are necessary and help keep us healthy. Unhealthy fats, such as trans fats found in hydrogenated oils, for example, are not good for us. Learning about which fats are healthy and avoiding the unhealthy ones can help you improve your health and achieve your ideal body weight.
sumber; "Nartural Weight Loss Tips" by Bill Nad


Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Has a lot of people died because of dengue fever. Many efforts have been made by the people and government but in fact always missing dengue fever occur in some areas and are attacking people of all ages. Therefore we have to alert when an epidemic in our region. One way we have to know what it was dengue fever.

Dengue fever (DD) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF / DHF), is still the scourge of society because of many causes of death. Disease incidence rate is high, intermittent in certain areas, and prevention is not done only with fogging / fumigation.We must have the knowledge to act when faced with cases that had befallen the family, as follows:Dengue fever (DD) is different from dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF / DHF), the treatment of different patient too.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DD) or dengue fever is a viral disease that dsebabkan. Clinical signs include fever 39-40oC; sore muscles / joints, headache, pain in the eye movements, flushed skin, nausea and vomiting. Fever between 5-7 days, and in some patients fever down on day 3 or 4, then rises again.
Dengue virus is carried by Aedes mosquitoes aegypty, which berbiintik white spots on the body and legs. These mosquitoes bite an infected human and visrus dengue tutbuh transmitted to another person. DD developed symptoms on days 4-6 after infection.
Vierus dengue infection do not always lead to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) or dengue hemorrhagic fever. It could be, this infection of dengue fever. Symptoms of dengue fever patients, relatively more light. The patient looked flushed and weak, but did not until the bleeding. If contracted dengue hemorrhagic fever, usually occurs kebocooran blood vessels. Shalom Aleichem 1-3 days, tiinggi fever sufferers. DHF is a critical phase to 4-5 days, with a cold body. While critical, the patient does not want to wake up, sleeping, not eating, cold hands and feet accompanied by abdominal pain.
In DD patients, after body temperature returned to normal, the patient showed signs of positi. For example starting appetite and looked cheerful. In contrast, DHF patients no appetite, and even vomiting, abdominal pain and cold feet. That’s a patient experiencing stock (dengue shock syndrome / DSS). Immediately brought to the house Skit, because 48 hours after getting off the heat is a critical moment, yanng can cause death.
In DHF, hematolrit levels increased and decreased the number of trombocit. In general, the normal hematocrit levels 3x the level of hemoglobin (Hb), while the amount of 150,000 permm3 normal trombocit. If there is no emergency, DHF patients could be treated at home. Patients should rest and get enough fluid intake as oralit, fruit juice, milk, water and so forth, so as not to dehydration.
Parents should be wise in giving fever-lowering drugs to children, because the fever is actually a sign of infection. Fever is required body, to neutralize the germs or viruses. Fever-lowering drugs is only required on the day of fever phase to the 2 and 3, when the child’s body temperature above 38oC. Fever-lowering drugs are safe is paracetamol, with a dose of 10 mg / kg, given 4-hour intervals.
1.3M encouragement movement (closed, Draining and Hoarding)
2.Beware of dengue symptoms, so patients do not become shock (DSS)
3.Fever-lowering drugs is safest for the DB / DHF is paracetamol plus comprehensive warm water.
4.DD / DHF is a type of disease that can heal itself if the right treatment, that is enough fluid intake and plenty of rest.
5.Antibiotics are not necessary, because the disease is caused by viruses rather than bakteri.
6.Gunakam lotion anti-mosquito safe for children, before going to school or sleep. 
Source: Dengue Fever. by. Meta Permana, S.Si., OTC Digest. August 2007. Edition 12


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Life Is Beautiful and SEX is...

Native title "Sex is A Formula for Happy Life"
by nealoren, is an associated editor to the website and articles on Mens Health related topics.

Sex is the gift of god given to mankind. Surely, according to the Vatsyana, the famous renowned writer of Kama sutra, sex is the blessing given by god to the humans to live a happy and healthy life. Sex is the ultimate pleasure through which you can reach the ultimate pleasure and satisfy each others sexual dreams. Satisfactory sex life is the basement of the happy married life and vice versa. Sex helps the two partners to be comfortable with each other and makes them together for their whole life.

Sex can be broken down into its three alphabets which means s-simple, e-exercise, and x stands for the conjugation on two lines means the oneness of two souls mentally and oneness of two bodies physically. We can define sex as the oneness of soul with the god achieved with the simple exercise or yoga of two people together. Some saints have declared sex as the one of the means to reach the god. Sex brings out lot of positive changes in your life and makes your life happy. It also said by many sexologists that daily sex is the formula for the happy life. Sex is called as the doctor of many physical and mental illness.

Thus, I am mentioning some of good effects of sex on the human life and how sex helps in making your life happy. Sex keeps you healthy by maintaining your body weight. Sex keeps you more active and thus you can enjoy the life more. Sex one time in a day burns your 200 calories and reduces the excess of fat to get deposited in your body. Sex reduces your weight and keeps you away from the obesity which finally leads to the happy life. Sex is the award given which in turn rewards the humans with the long life who practice it regularly.

Sex improves the immune system of the body by building the protein blocks and by increasing the amount of antibodies in the body. Sex specifically increases the production of antibodies IgA that improves your immunity among the common cold and flue. It was proved in the survey conducted that couples who practice sex thrice or more in a week suffer from common cold or flue very few times as compared to the couples who have sex only once in a week. Sex is a very important part in the married life and if is satisfactory makes the bond strong between the husband and wife. The married couples who have sex regularly understand each other more than the married couples who have sex not so often.

Sex keeps the sugar level in your body under control by breaking down the sugar molecules while you perform the sexual activity. Thus, sex saves you from the deadly disease of diabetes. Sex improves the blood circulation in your body and maintains you blood pressure. The couples who perform sex habitually are found to free from diabetes and blood pressure in comparison to the couples who perform sex infrequently. When you get engaged in the sexual activity, your brain stimulates the hormones that makes you veins in the brain to relax. Thus, you feel relaxed from the tensions. Headaches are also found to be very less among the individuals who engage in sex more.

Hence, sex keeps you away from diseases and helps in making your life happy.


High Blood Pressure Medication Risks and Side Effects

by Rachel Willson.

Most Americans who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure have been prescribed one or more of the high blood pressure medication types to correct their condition. Each category of drugs can lower blood pressure but may create new, equally serious medical conditions in the process. Make sure you fully understand the risks. If your doctor didn't mention the side effects listed below, ask him why. The list you are about to see does not include the "minor" side effects like headache, rashes, lethargy etc. This list is composed of those possible side effects that can do long term damage including death.

There are four basic categories of HBP drugs. Those categories and their side effects are:

Diuretics or "water pills" encourage frequent urination which reduces total blood volume resulting in lower pressure in the vascular system. It also flushes out salt. Unfortunately it flushes out more than just salt. The side effects, other than frequent need to urinate, include
An imbalance of electrolytes caused by the flushing of minerals, including potassium, magnesium and calcium. This imbalance can lead irregular heartbeat, gout, kidney disease, impotence and hyperglycemia which can lead to diabetes.

Beta Blockers.
This class of drug reduces the force of the heartbeat thereby reducing the pressure on the blood vessels. Side effects of these drugs can be very serious.
Because the heart beats less strongly, there is a risk of it not pushing all the blood out of the heart. This can lead to Congestive heart failure, heart attack and stroke. Asthmatics should never be on Beta Blockers as it can cause a life threatening attack brought on by airway spasms.

ACE Inhibitors.
This class of blood pressure medication inhibits the production of a natural molecule that causes the blood pressure to increase called angiotensin. This natural product is used to keep the body in balance. For example when the body goes into the fight or flight mode, angiotensin assists in getting the extra oxygen and nutrients required by increasing blood pressure to deliver the blood to the body faster.
By inhibiting the production, the drug does not allow the body to further increase blood pressure during times of stress. There are no significant side effects associated with these types of drugs.

Calcium Channel Blockers.
CCB is the most widely prescribed high blood pressure medication and perhaps the most dangerous. This class of drug blocks the movement of calcium across cell membranes. This activity suppresses muscular contraction allowing blood vessels to dilate which in turn lowers HBP. Unfortunately, it can lower it to far making fainting a common side effect.
A wake Forest University study says that calcium channel blockers lead to 40,000 heart attacks each year.

Persons on CCB are 27% more likely to have a heart attack and 26% more likely to have congestive heart failure than persons on other type of HBP drugs.
Recently more doctors are prescribing changes in life style before putting patients on drugs. While this seems to be a common sense approach, there is big money in HBP medicine and the pharmaceutical companies will continue to pump millions into advertising and promotion so it seems unlikely that they will be replaced by natural remedies anytime soon.
If you are currently on one of these medications, and you were unaware of the potential side effects, contact your doctor and ask him to explain what your particular risk is.


To Be AED CPR Certified and Trained

by David Bruce Jr.

After you collapse and stop breathing, will you or anyone near you know you had a cardiac arrest?

You arrive at the office early to work on a project with 10 other employees. In the conference room; a fellow employee and friend passes out, hits her head on a table and lays not breathing on the floor.

All 9 employees in the room gather to help her, shaking her; crying out are you ok? Are you ok?
Precious minutes are passing; when one of the employees decides to calls 911. None of these employees are trained on how to operate a defibrillator (AED) or how to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and they don't know what to do. Unfortunately; it took the ambulance 15 minutes to get to the scene but with no AED or CPR help; the employee died.

Without defibrillation and CPR, a cardiac arrest victim's chances of survival fall 7 to 10 percent for each minute that passes.

When needed; AEDs can intimidate employees who haven't been trained to use them. Everyone should and can be able respond to a cardiac emergency by taking an AED/CPR class to learn the procedures to save a life.

All businesses should train and certify its employees via AED/CPR classes and also set up a compliant AED Program to protect its entire daily population of employees, contractors, vendor and visitors. The management team should appoint an AED program coordinator who reports to them to manage the AED Program. An AED Program Coordinator is typically an employee who is always in the office and who is willing to take responsibility for day-to-day AED program activities. This employee will select and schedule employee CPR/AED training.

AED Program implementation guides for businesses are widely available to help employers properly set up the program to assure your business is compliant with state and local AED requirements. Many State laws require AED registration with local EMS and completion of nationally recognized AED/CPR courses from American Heart Association, American Red Cross or American Safety and Health Institute; among others which certify trainees for 2 year renewal periods.

the Author 301 363-5206
